(91-22) 2204 6633, 2202 5438 mayad@imcrbnqa.com
Radhemohan Memorial Hospital (RMH) describes a fictitious Hospital. There is no connection between RMH and any hospital or health care organizations cited in this application. This case study is prepared for use in the IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj Natonal Quality Award Examiner preparation course. Since this case study is developed for training and understanding the possible content of an actual RBNQA application, all criteria requirements are not addressed. The Results Criteria also contains fictitious data and are prepared to serve as a guide to organizations preparing an application.
ABC Services Ltd describes a fictitious IT services organization. There is no connection between ABC Services Ltd and any other IT services organization or other organizations cited in this application. This case study is prepared for use in the IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj Natonal Quality Award Examiner preparation course. Since this case study is developed for training and understanding the possible content of an actual RBNQA application, all criteria requirements are not addressed. The Results Criteria als contains fictitious data and are prepared to serve as a guide to organizations preparing an application.